Friday, February 5, 2010

An oven of one's own

There it is.

In this picture, it has a chicken and leek tart baking away in it.

Here, it just told James a really funny joke about the difference between swine flu and bird flu.

Here it's taking a breather after all the cooking it's done in the past month.

So how did we come by this beautiful oven and why hadn't we bought one before?

Well, in the old apartment, there actually wasn't room for one. Ok, so there was technically room for an oven in the apartment -- just not in the kitchen. We had been thinking about buying one for the new place, but then my supervisor beat us to it. If she thinks this will make me work hard for her, she's right. Unless I'm busy making things in the oven.


Jessica said...

More joyous news could not possibly be shared! Félicitations!

schwa said...

Wow, the things we take for granted, huh?
-> did you see Julie and Julia? I'm hoping you find a couple of cooks to collaborate with on a cook book/TV show. That would be super duper.